Operating system multiple question and answer

In mainframe system,the block of data is called as __________.

  1. None of the mentioned options (answer)
  2. Record
  3. Note
  4. Both the mentioned options

_________ command in UNIX can be used to display or create a new file.

  1. mv
  2. cat (answer)
  3. cp
  4. vi

A ___________ is a collection of  logically related data, stored in DASD.

  1. Filesets
  2. Recordsets
  3. Datasets  
  4. All the mentioned options

Files are termed as _____________ in z/OS.

  1. Recordsets
  2. Datasets  
  3. All the mentioned options
  4. Filesets

In which of the following type of scheduling, the processes may take very long time to complete, thus holding up other waiting processes in the queue?

  1. Co-operative scheduling
  2. FIFO scheduling
  3. Priority scheduling
  4. Round Robin scheduling

Which of the following is not a functional feature of the operating system?

  1. Identifies the level of software
  2. Keeps track of files and directories on the disk
  3. Initialize the hardware of the computer system
  4. Provides a software platform on top of which other programs can run

Which of the following are major types of OS used in Critical Business environments?

  1. Both the mentioned options
  2. Multi-User OS
  3. None of the mentioned options
  4. Single User Multitasking OS

Which of the following is a key function of an operating system?

  1. Create OS
  2. Provide an environment where the users can run the programs
  3. All of the mentioned options
  4. Sharing data

Which of the following options relate to a Multi-User OS?

  1. unix
  2. All of the mentioned options
  3. Mac
  4. Windows

What percentage of system overhead will not result in poor performance for user programs?

  1. <5%
  2. >20%
  3. >10%
  4. <10%

Which of the following options state what happens when the scheduler decides the next task to run? 

  1. (a)The scheduler unloads all the data from memory
  2. (b)The schedule changes the process state of the selected process to running and loads the saved data associated with that process back into the processor
  3. (c)The scheduler changes the process state of the selected process to halted
  4. (d)The processor changes the process state of the selected process to running and loads the saved data

In Windows 7,Hybrid Kernal is also called as _______________.

  1.  Microsoft NT Kernal
  2. Microsoft
  3. Microsoft LT Kernal
  4. Monolithic kernel

What happens when a program is executed in an application?

  1. OS schedules the process among others based on the priorities
  2. All of the mentioned options
  3. OS makes the required input and output devices available during the process
  4. OS creates a process when an instance of a program is loaded into the main memory

In the mainframe system, the block of data is called as….

  1. Note
  2. Both the mentioned options
  3. Record
  4. None of the mentioned options

In which of the following methods, mentioned data in a file is stored in a contiguous section of the disk?

  1. Contiguous  Allocation method 
  2. Link Allocation method
  3. Indexed Allocation method
  4. Page Allocation Method

Which of the following is responsible for allocating primary memory to processes and for assisting the programmer in loading and storing the contents of the memory?

  1. Program manager
  2. Fragmentation manager
  3. Segment Manager
  4. Memory Manager 

Which of the following options is true with respect to an Index Allocation method?

  1. The directory entry of the file in Linked Allocation method and the index block of a file helps to point the data blocks
  2. Data blocks can be scattered anywhere in the disk in Linked Allocation method
  3. All of the listed options
  4. An index block is allocated for each file that is created


Which of the following options is the responsibility of File Manager Provide the implementation of file abstraction b) Provide directories for organizing files?

  1. The file manager implements the abstraction
  2. Both the mentioned options 
  3. File manager provides the directories for implementation
  4. None of the mentioned options

 How does User Class reduce the Storage overhead incurred by Access Control Information?

  1. All of the listed options
  2. Owner Grant Permission to Group of Specified User
  3. Owner Grant Permission to Group of User
  4. Owner Grant Permission to Group of Public