Car parking management project in Spring boot and hibernate with source code

Online Car Parking Management Project in java using Spring boot and hibernate, JPA with source code and project report. It’s a web application built using maven, following MVC architecture, and using a tomcat server to deploy and run on localhost.

To manage the backend it uses Spring boot and Hibernate to manage the front end it uses JSP, HTML, CSS, and bootstrap.

Car parking management project in Spring boot and Hibernate

Online car parking booking system allows users to reserve parking spaces in advance, typically through a website. There are two types of main users admin and end-user, Where the admin can manage internal activity like Adding parking and managing the other operation related to parking, also the admin will manage the users and parking slot booking and availability.

It’s a solution to manage the parking and reduce the traffic and waiting time by using the application user can book pre-slots.  Users can cancel or modify their slot booking anytime and anywhere.

As project enhancement, we can implement smart parking technologies, such as sensors that show the availability of spaces in real-time with the Option for users to receive notifications or reminders about their reservations.

Modules into Car Parking

Parking: To manage single or multiple parking with a number of slots in each parking.

Parking Booking: To manage the allocation and de-allocation of parking slots.

User: To manage the user data booking details by every user or student.

Login and Registration: To manage and authenticate the users of the system

Features, functionality, and User Roles

There are two users in the application 1) Admin and 2) User/Students,

Let’s see all the features and functionality of the car parking management project according to the user roles


  • Admin can VIEW/ADD/EDIT/DELETE User.
  • Admin can VIEW/ADD/EDIT/DELETE Parking and slots.
  • Admin can view the parking slots.
  • Admin can make a slot available after booking.
  • Admin can check the parking and slot booking history.
  • Admin can cancel the parking booking.


  • User can view the parking.
  • User check the available slots.
  • User can book any available slot.
  • User can check the parking slot booking history.

Technology Stack

  • Spring Boot: For rapid development of the application with minimal configuration.
  • Hibernate: For object-relational mapping (ORM) and database interactions.
  • Spring MVC: To implement the Model-View-Controller architecture.
  • JSP and JSTL: As the template engine for server-side rendering.
  • MySQL: As the relational database to store and manage data.
  • HTML: To define the frontend elements.
  • Bootstrap and CSS: For Styling.
  • Server: Tomcat(For localhost deployment).

Contact to get the Source Code

Skype Id: jcodebun
WhatsApp: +91 8827363777
Price: 2500 INR

Note: If you need the source code you can contact us. We will provide complete source code and all the required things like Database and project reports with all the diagrams. Also, we have created a STEP by STEP configuration tutorial to help you in the configuration process.

If you find any kind of difficulties during the configuration, we will provide a complete project configuration guide remotely using any Desk or Zoom.