E-Health Care Management System in Java using Spring and Hibernate with source code and project report. Health care management is an extended version of the Hospital Management project It’s a web application that is running over the tomcat server “Localhost” using MVC architecture ad design pattern and Maven to manage the dependencies.
E-Health Care Management System developed into JSP, HTML, bootstrap, and CSS for the frontend. It’s using spring boot to manage the backend server-side programming. To store the records it’s using MYSQL that is connected by Hibernate. It follows MVC architecture and maven tool to manage the dependency and resources.
Health Care Management Project Overview
A health care management system is a web application designed for hospitals to properly handle staff and patient data. The main aim is to provide effective management of data related to doctors, patients, staff, and hospital infrastructure such as beds, availability, timings, billing, etc.
The following are the major objective of this application:
- To provide a bug-free application to the admin, staff, doctor, and patient.
- The main objective is to build a robust E-Health Care Management System application to automate every activity.
- It is built to provide effective management of data so that it would be easy to access at any time.24*7.
Health Care Management System project in Spring
Below are some functional and user requirements for the health care management project. There are four main users of this application. The users are Admin, Patient, Staff, and Doctor. Let us discuss the requirement:
- Admin can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE doctor details.
- Admin can Add/VIEW./UPDATE/DELETE Staff Details.
- Admin can Add/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Infrastructure details.
- Admin can Customize the website.
- Admin can check Pharmacy stock details and availability of specific medicine
- Admin can add details of the Radiologist and send SMS or email when the test results are ready.
- Patients can check current availability and weekly availability details.
- A patient can book an appointment.
- Patient can View records can view their records online such as medical records, prescriptions, etc.
- A patient can pay bills online
- A patient can view Pharmacy stock details and availability of specific medicine
- A patient can View their insurance details and must be able to claim for insurance.
- Staff can update their details on the timings, contact details.
- Staff can update shift details the respective staff
- Staff can VIEW Admitted Patient Details such as general information, type of disease, Ward and bed number, etc.
- A doctor can check how many patients took appointments on that particular date and their schedule.
- A doctor can Update availability details in the portal.
- A doctor can VIEW previous Patient data, Patients’ lab reports, and medical information
Note: The login and registration module is common to all users in the system.
NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS for healthcare management
- Response-Time: In the application, the response time is 100-200 milli-secs.
- Reliability: This application is designed to prevent time consumption for the users.
- Usability: This program is very simple to use and is designed for all users from various backgrounds in mind.
- Security: Log in and Logout options are provided for Admin/Doctor/Staff/Patient to securely access the application.
- Availability: The system can operate approximately 24*7 in terms of availability.
Technology Stack
- Spring Boot: For rapid development of the application with minimal configuration.
- Hibernate: For object-relational mapping (ORM) and database interactions.
- Spring MVC: To implement the Model-View-Controller architecture.
- JSP and JSTL: As the template engine for server-side rendering.
- MySQL: As the relational database to store and manage data.
- HTML: To define the frontend elements.
- Bootstrap and CSS: For Styling.
- Server: Tomcat(For localhost deployment).
Contact to get Source code
Skype Id: jcodebun
Email: jcodebun@gmail.com
Note: If you need the source code you can contact Us. We will provide complete source code and all the required things like Database and project reports with all the diagrams. Also, we have created a STEP by STEP configuration tutorial to help you in the configuration process.
If you find any kind of difficulties during the configuration, we will provide a complete project configuration guide remotely using any Desk or Zoom.