Katalon studio tutorial with real time examples

Katalon Studio is an Automation Testing Tool. Katalon helps to automate the software world in an easy and efficient way. Also, Katalon helps to Generate a meaning full and color full result summary and analysis report.

Well! in this Katalon studio tutorial, You will get good guidance and real-time examples of Katalon Studio.

What is Katalon Studio?

Katalon Studio is an Automation testing tool that supports Desktop, Mobile, API,  Generic, and Web types of applications. also, It has lots of features that help automation testers generate quality results.

  • We can record and play automation scripts.
  • We can write the manual testing scripts.
  • It supports multiple programming languages Like Java, Katalon, etc.
  • It supports all types of web applications like E-Commerce, Healthcare, Management, Static or Dynamic, etc.
  • Allows for CI/CD Integration.
  • We can create TDD automation as well as BDD automation with cucumber

Katalon Studio has all the powerful features that help overcome common challenges in web UI test automation like a pop-up, iFrame, wait-time, report management, data-driven automation.

Overall you can say it’s a good competitor of selenium. It’s open-source so you never need to pay any cost. you need one activation. and here is the complete Katalon studio tutorial with easy steps.

Katalon studio tutorial

Katalon Studio is available on the official website you can be downloaded at https://www.katalon.com.

Katalon Studio Tutorial

As, we know Katalon Studio is a multi-purpose Automation tool, So we have divided this Katalon studio tutorial into multiple parts on the basis of type of applications. Below is a list of web automation tutorials using Katalon studio.

Katalon Web Automation Tutorial

Katalon Studio 1: Introduction with Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio 2: Install and configure Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio 3: Web automation using Katalon studio

Katalon Studio 4: Spy Web Object in Katalon studio

Katalon studio 5: manual mode in Katalon studio

Katalon studio 6: Script mode in Katalon studio

Katalon Studio 7: Local and global variable in Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio 8: custom keywords in Katalon studio.

Katalon studio 9: Read and write data from excel in Katalon studio.

Katalon studio 10:Execution Profile in Katalon studio.

Katalon studio 11:Web Services Testing using Katalon studio (Rest API).

Katalon studio 12: Control Statements

Katalon Studio 13: Create HTML Report in Katalon Studio.

Katalon Studio video tutorial with practical examples