Diet Planner Project In Java with source code


The Diet Planner is a Web Application project developed using Java with JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Servlets. This application aims to provide users with a platform to create and manage personalized diet plans based on their nutritional needs, dietary preferences, and health goals. Check more details about the project

Technology Stack:

Java: The core programming language used for the backend logic.

Servlets: Handle HTTP requests, manage session data, and control the flow of the application.

JavaServer Pages (JSP): Generate dynamic HTML content based on user data and server-side logic.

MySQL: Store user profiles, diet plans, meals, and other data.

JDBC: Manage database operations and interactions.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Design the user interface and enhance interactivity.

Apache Tomcat: Deploy and run the web application on a server.

IDE (e.g., Eclipse, STS: Develop, debug, and manage the project efficiently.

DEMO(Check out the project demo below)

Technology Stack

Frontend: JavaServer Pages (JSP), HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Backend: Java Servlets, MySQL Database
Framework: Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
IDE: Eclipse or STS
Server: Apache Tomcat or equivalent

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