Attendance Marking Project in Spring Boot and Hibernate with source code

The Attendance Marking Project is built using Spring Boot, Hibernate Framework, and the Database it is using is MYSQL. This is developed to manage attendance-related activity on a single platform where students and Admin can have a single medium through which they can manage all the activities safely.

This project has all the necessary functionality that an Attendance Marking application should have. It is built to support all roles, whether it is admin, super admins, and students. The whole project is built using Spring Boot. It is using the Spring MVC to manage the resources.

Attendance Marking Project in Java

In this digital world, The Attendance Marking system is a crucial requirement for any Organization. It is helpful in a way to track the student’s regularity for a particular course. It helps the Organization Admin to keep track of how regular the students are. Students on other hand can have a nice interface system where they can mark the enrollment for a course hassle-free.

So, we on Codebun have developed the Attendance Marking System application that has major 3 roles: One is the Super Admin, another one is Admin and the last one is the normal user(students). The Super Admin’s responsibility is to manage all the other admin (i.e it can Approve | Cancel | Pending the New Admin Registration). Once the Admin is Approved, its responsibility will be adding Skills Set, Session, Trainer, View Enrollment, Mark the Attendance of a student who has attended the session as well as can view the report of Session and Feedback report as well. The last role is that of the user who can enroll for the session and give feedback.

The following are the major objective of this application:

  1. To provide a bug-free application to the admin and users.
  2. The main objective is to build a robust Attendance Marking System application for any organization to automate its Attendance taking process.
  3. It maintains all the records of users’ enrollment efficiently so that it would be easy to access at any time 24*7.

Modules and Functionalities of an Attendance Marking System Project

There are three main roles in this application, One is the Super Admin, another one is the Admin and the last one is the Student or normal user.

1) Super Admin

  • Super Admin can VIEW the list of Admins registered.
  • Super Admin can UPDATE/DELETE New Admin Requests.

2) Admin

  • Admin can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Skill Set.
  • Admin can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Sessions.
  • Admin can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Trainers.
  • Admin can VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Enrollment.
  • Admin can Mark the Attendance of the Student who had attained the session.
  • Admin can VIEW the report of Session.
  • Admin can VIEW the Feedback Report.

3) User (Student)

  • Users can VIEW the Sessions.
  • Users can Make the Enrollment for a Session.
  • Users can VIEW the Session attended.
  • Users can ADD/VIEW the Feedback.

Note: The login, registration, change password feature is common to all users in this system

Technology Stack

  • Spring Boot: For rapid development of the application with minimal configuration.
  • Hibernate: For object-relational mapping (ORM) and database interactions.
  • Spring MVC: To implement the Model-View-Controller architecture.
  • JSP and JSTL: As the template engine for server-side rendering.
  • MySQL: As the relational database to store and manage data.
  • HTML: To define the frontend elements.
  • Bootstrap and CSS: For Styling.
  • Server: Tomcat(For localhost deployment).

Contact to get Source code

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WhatsApp: +91 8827363777
Price: 3499 INR

Job Portal Project in Spring, Is available with source code and project report. will provide a video tutorial to run and configure the project on your machine also will providing remote support to run the project. So In case, you face any issue we are always ready to help you.

Check more available Projects in Spring and hibernate.