Insurance Management Project in Java using JSP and Servlet

Insurance Management Project in Java is a web application. Another Minor or Major project in Java Using JSP, Servlet, and MYSQL with source code and project report.

This web -application is developed to manage Insurance-related activity on a single platform. The admin is the user who can check the list of the insurance holder, can add a category, subcategory, add a policy, and etc. Another role here is that of the user who will be a customer who can view the category, subcategory, policy and can apply for a policy listed therein.

This project has all the necessary functionality that an Insurance management application should have. It is built to support all roles, whether it is policymaker and customer. The whole project is designed using the MVC pattern (MVC i.e Model, View, and Controller). The business logic is done on the Model side, We have used JSP to manage the frontend, and to handle the request and response we have used a Controller.

Insurance Management Project in Java

Today, as we are living in uncertainty, what may happen tomorrow no one knows, whether it is related to our health or the objects around us that we use in our daily life. So, why not take Insurance. Insurance is all about providing financial safety to the individual. It helps us to enjoy financial security. If we have a proper application to access all the Insurance related activity then it will be cheery on top.

So, we on Codebun has developed an Insurance Management System where there are majorly two roles: One is the admin and another one is the customer. Admin who is the main user of this application will add the policy, add the category of Insurance along with the subcategory. Another role is that of customers who will buy the policy from this platform and can view the list of policies he/she holds.

The following are the major objective of this application:

  1. To provide a bug-free application to the policymaker(admin) as well as the customer.
  2. The main objective is to build a secured, robust Insurance Management system where the policies are managed properly.
  3. It maintains the record of customers, policies, buyers’ policies efficiently so that it would be easy to access at any time 24*7.

Modules and Functionalities of an Insurance Management System

There are two main users of this application. One is the Admin whose responsibility is to manage categories and policies and another role is that of the customer who will buy the policy.

1) Admin

  • Admin can VIEW the User list.
  • Admin can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Category.
  • Admin can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Sub-Category.
  • Admin can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Policy.
  • Admin can VIEW/ACTIVATE/CANCEL the buyers’ policy request.

2) Customer

  • Customers can VIEW the list of Categories.
  • Customers can VIEW the list of Sub-Categories.
  • Customers can Apply for a Policy.
  • Customer can VIEW the list of Policy he/she holds.

NOTE: The profile section, log-in, and registration features are common to all users in the system.

Tools and Technologies

Technology/Domain: Java
Front-End: JSP, Html, CSS, JS, Bootstrap.
Server-side: Servlet.
Back-end: MYSQL.
Server: Tomcat 8.5.

Contact to get the Source code

Skype Id: jcodebun
WhatsApp: +91 8827363777
Price: 1999 INR

Note: If you need the source code you can contact Us. We will provide complete source code and all the required things like Database and project reports with all the diagrams. Also, we have created a STEP by STEP configuration tutorial to help you in the configuration process.

If you find any kind of difficulties during the configuration, we will provide a complete project configuration guide remotely using any Desk or Zoom.