Tour booking Home Stay Project in Spring boot and Hibernate

Tour booking Home Stay Project in Spring Boot. Another project in Spring boot and Hibernate with source code and project. Tour booking Home Stay Project in Spring Boot helps to manage bookings of Homestays using a web application.

Let’s see all the features, functionality, User roles, and used technology in the Tour Home Stay project in Spring Boot.

Tour Booking Home Stay Project is developed to manage bookings of Homestays through the web application. It is built to support all roles including Admin, User(traveler), and Owner. Admin’s responsibility is to view all feedbacks, helps. The owner will add Home Stay for users including tour packages.

The user who is the traveler here and can book Homestays, tours for a specific period of time.

This project has all the necessary functionality that a Homestay application should have. It is built to support all roles. The whole project is designed using the MVC pattern (MVC i.e Model, View, and Controller). In the Backend, it is using Spring Boot, at the data access layer the project is using Hibernate Framework, and at the frontend, we are using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. 

Tour booking Home Stay Project in Spring Boot and Hibernate

As we know, today online booking is becoming popular day by day whether it is hotel booking or flight booking or anything. So, we on Codebun have developed a homestay application where an owner can give the houses for booking and users can book the home also can select the tour package for a specific period.

This application is design for all types of users whether it is admin, owner, and user. The user here has the facility of booking homes, tours for a specific period of time. The owner here is the role whose responsibility is to add Home Stays for users, also add tour packages and etc. The last role is that of the admin who will see the help and feedback reports.

This application will help the users as well as the owner. Both can have a common medium to be connected.

The following are the major objective of this application:

  1. To provide a bug-free application to the owner as well as the user(traveler).
  2. The main objective is to build a secured, robust Homestay system where the bookings are managed properly.
  3. It maintains the record of users, bookings, tours efficiently so that it would be easy to access at any time 24*7.

Modules and Functionalities as per user roles

There are three main users of this application one is the Admin, the other is the Owner and the last one is the User.

1) Admin

  • Admin can VIEW/UPDATE/ADD the Help Solution.
  • Admin can ADD/VIEW/DELETE/UPDATE feedback questions.
  • Admin can VIEW feedback added by User.
  • Admin can VIEW its profile


  • Owners can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Homestays.
  • Owners can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE Rooms.
  • The owner can ADD/VIEW/UPDATE/DELETE the Tour package.
  • The owner can VIEW/PRINT the Homestays booking.
  • The owner can VIEW/PRINT the Tour Booking report.
  • The owner can ADD/VIEW the Help report.
  • The owner can VIEW its profile.


  • Users can VIEW Home Stays
  • Users can VIEW Tour packages.
  • Users can VIEW Room available.
  • Users can BOOK/VIEW the Homestay.
  • Users can BOOK/VIEW the tour.
  • Users can ADD/VIEW the help.
  • Users can add feedback.

Note: The login, registration, and change password are common to all the users in the system.

Technology Stack

  • Spring Boot: For rapid development of the application with minimal configuration.
  • Hibernate: For object-relational mapping (ORM) and database interactions.
  • Spring MVC: To implement the Model-View-Controller architecture.
  • JSP and JSTL: As the template engine for server-side rendering.
  • MySQL: As the relational database to store and manage data.
  • HTML: To define the frontend elements.
  • Bootstrap and CSS: For Styling.
  • Server: Tomcat(For localhost deployment).

Contact to get the source code and configuration details

Skype Id: jcodebun
WhatsApp: +91 8827363777
Price: 3499 INR

Note: If you need the source code you can contact me. We will provide complete source code and all the required things like Database. We have created a STEP by STEP configuration tutorial to help you in the configuration process.

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