Online mobile store Project in Spring MVC and hibernate with source code and project remote. It’s another Major project in Java for final year students. This mobile store project is an E-Commerce based web application in Java using Spring MVC, Hibernate with MYSQL, Tomcat, and Maven.
Let’s see all the functionality and role of the project in detail.
Online mobile store project in Spring and hibernate
The mobile store is an online shopping web application for mobile. An online platform to buy mobiles. Where admin can add products according to the categories even admin can add a new category in the system. It’s a dynamic web application where users/Customers can view and by the product.
Its build using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Hibernate with MySQL, and tomcat server to display the application its following MVC(Model view controller) as architecture and Maven to manage the dependencies
Roles and functionalities of Mobile Store
There two main roles in application Admin and Customer/User. Admin can perform all the operations to manage the products and users where users can explore the products book any product and can check the view history of booked products.
- Online mobile store is an E-Commerce based Java web application.
- Products are displaying in according to the categories.
- Users can search for products according to the price.
- Users can filter products according to the categories.
- Users can book any product online.
- Users can view past history.
- Users can cancel the bookings.
- Admin can log in to the application to manage the product.
- Admin can check the list of booked products.
- Admin can ADD/EDIT/DELETE new categories in the application.
- Admin can ADD/EDIT/DELETE new product in the application.
Technology Stack
- Spring Boot: For rapid development of the application with minimal configuration.
- Hibernate: For object-relational mapping (ORM) and database interactions.
- Spring MVC: To implement the Model-View-Controller architecture.
- JSP and JSTL: As the template engine for server-side rendering.
- MySQL: As the relational database to store and manage data.
- HTML: To define the frontend elements.
- Bootstrap and CSS: For Styling.
- Server: Tomcat(For localhost deployment).
Contact to get the source code
Skype Id: jcodebun
Price: 3499 INR
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