Online movie ticket booking project in java with source code is a web-based project with source code and project report which includes all the required documents. Online movie ticket booking project in java is a web-based platform where users can open the application in the web browser and view the movies list. Users can select a movie or multiple movies check all the details about the movies like showtime, price.
After review movie details. Users can book that movie. These all the data like EDIT/UPDATE movie and user management will handle by the admin user.
Online movie ticket booking project in java is using Java as a core technologies JSP and servlet following the MVC architecture and maven as a build tool. As a backend to manage the data records its using MYSQL.
Online Movie ticket booking project in java with source code
Contact for source code and Configuration.
Skype Id: jcodebun
Technology used in the Online Movie ticket booking project in java.
Project title: Online Movie ticket booking project in java
Front-End: Jsp, Html, CSS, JS.
Server-side: Servlet.
Back-end: MYSQL.
OS: Windows Family or Mac
Server: Tomcat 8.5.
Online Movie ticket booking project in java description
There will be two main actors or user of the application
- User/Customer
- Admin/Manager
Admin can handle all the customers and manage the movie records like booking, payment details.
Admin: Can Add/Delete/Update any movie records.
Admin: Can Add/Delete/Update User/Customers
User can view all the movies in a grid view and book tickets for those movies.
Users can register and login into the application.
User can maintain the records under the profile and can view the booking history.
Contact to download source code and configuration
Skype Id: jcodebun
WhatsApp: +91 8827363777
Price: 1999 INR
Note: If you need the source code you can contact. We will provide complete source code and all the required things like Database. We have created STEP by STEP configuration tutorial to help you in the configuration process.
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